Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Examining Gender, Race and Body Image in a Virtual World.

In this assignment, I had to go onto a second life and socialize with many other people that I don't know  at all.

My original avatar was a white female. 
I chat with him. 

I tried to chat with others in that world. However, they ignored me. 
I changed my avatar to a black guy. 
I went to a night club. There were actually a lot of avatars dancing around and chatting. 

I chat with others too. 
i changed my avatar to a black female. I went to a cafe. People were dancing around. 

I joined in their chat. 
It was a a very unique experience of talking with other avatars. When I was a white female, I had hard time chatting with people because they ignored me. And it was my first time trying to chat with others so I was confused for a moment.  And when I was a black female, more people approached to me and started to chat. They were very nice. Also, it also depended on circumstances. When I was in a club or a cafe where people are dancing around and chilling, they approached to others easily. Also, It was enjoyable to watch the avatars dancing.

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