Thursday, November 20, 2014

WebGL Chrome Experiments the FAIL IN FIREFOX.

Here is an example of the fail message that I received when I tried to open the WebGL
 experiments on Firefox. This experiment was JS Racing.

It failed to operate on firefox.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

WebGL Chrome Experiments using Google's Chrome Browser

The first WebGL experiment that I chose was the Urban Jungle. I chose this experiment because it was really amazing to see the 3D of the City. This is the view of New york. 

This is the screenshot of one of the city in Europe. This was an incredible graphic. 

The second WebGL experimnet that I chose was JS Racing. I chose this racing car because I really enjoy racing the car. 

This is one of the screenshot of me playing the racing game. The racing cart was in 3D so It felt more real and more fun. 
Here is link to this experiment 

The third WebGL experiment I chose was  The Digital Landscape. I chose this because the 3D graphic was so cool. The view of mountain-look in 3D was amazing. 

This is the screenshot of looking at another 3D graphic continous flow of light. It was very cool. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Final#3 Group 3D building project

I started my part of project constructing the swimming pool. I put the water part first.
I put the sides for the swimming pool. 

Still working on swimming pool. 
Here I finished building a swimming pool.
I created the caption of my name. 

This is a group project. So one of my partners built house and the other built garage. 

This is me working on a group project making a 3D building project. My part of project was constructing the swimming pool. 
. This is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at     

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Final#4 : High Resolution Avatar

In this screenshot, I selected the head size of my avatar.

In this screenshot, I changed the size of my avatar's lips

In this screenshot, I decided on the color of my avatar. 
I also changed the chest size. 

In this screenshot, I added clothes to my avatar. I also added hair. 

In this screenshot, I used the eyelbrows option to put different eyebrows. 

In this screenshot, I used teeth option to put different teeth shape. 

In this screenshot, I selected the age, gender, muscle, height, weight and color. 
I could control all the options. 

This is me using the MakeHuman software where you can create a high resolution avatar. You have a full control over everything. 
It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  

Educational Grid

I read through the educational grid reading. 
This is the screenshot of me reading. 
below is the link to this reading. 

Final#2 Six Monocular Depth Cues

We read about the six monocular depth cues and learned about how our eye sight looks in a three dimensional viewpoint. We learned in details about the six cues and I found these examples in second life in meshmoon.
In this screenshot, I found the monocular depth cue Occlusion. Occlusion is when an object is blocking abother object. I circled a black horse standing and blocking the view of brown horse. 

In this screenshot, I found the monocular depth cue Lighting and shading. I circled the part that is white because of the light coming from the window reflecting and the near is grey. 

In this screenshot, I  found monocular depth cue size difference. i circled the tree infront of me and trees further away. This shows the size difference on how the same tree is much larger when viewed close and then when viewed far away. 

In this screenshot, I found a monocular depth cue texture density and that is when you can really see the texture of object when you are close to it but when a distance is far, the texture seems more dense and not vivid as the one up close. i circled the texture of floor up close and when you look furthur away, you can only see the color of the block and the texture you cannot see. 

In this screenshot, I found the monocular depth cue atmospheric perspective. This is when an object is viewed and is different than other objects because of light traveling through the atmosphere causing it to be different color. So I circled as the light seems to distinguish the color of the sea. 

In my last screenshot, I found the monocular depth cue of linear perspective. When I look at parallel lines and they start to become narrow as the distance increases and eventually vansih. In this screenshot, i circled the pathway and how it narrows as the distance incresases. 

This is me learning about the six different monocular depth cues and finding an example of each on the virtual worlds that we have worked in. 
It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  


Final 5b.Greenfoot Lettuce and Snake


Monday, November 10, 2014

Final 5a: Greenfoot JoC#4 Finally some code!

This is a screenshot of me beginning to make a java game. 

This is a screenshot of me putting turtles. 

This is a screenshot of me using some codes. 

This is a screeshot of me using codes to control turtles. 

These are the screenshot of me using Greenfoot making a Java 2D game and also using coding to control characters in the game. 
This is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at     

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Team Ranking Nov.6th

This is the team ranking for Nov.6th. 

Final Project: building my immersive libraries and museums.

In Meshmoon, I login into my world and I built a ground. 

I built legs on the ground. 
In processing of building, 

I added pictures. 
I moved pictures around the built on I created. 

The problem I had was to link pictures into website. Except that I did everything.

This is me using Meshmoon creating a Immersive Library /Museum by including 5 of my own personal pictures that I took and 3D objects that I created on Meshmoon. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education class that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Class 9: Immersive libraries and Museum.

The Libraries and Museum Technology Working Group( LAM, TWG)  Character works with the services of museums and libraries on Immersive Education. They work to provide resources in Technology field that can be used in museum and Libraries. As they bring lots of others into the pool, there are many other ideas brought into the picture. With all new different ideas brought up, It can add up to the big pictures and new idea. They want to involve others idea to make things happen.

For those who have expreriences in immersive education and libraries, museums and digital libraries and museum can join. Also those, who have experiences in developing or using virtual words, simulators and video games or full, augmented or mixed reality (FAM) can join the group.
They want more people with different skill to created a better technology that can be used in the immersive libraries and museums.

LIB and TWG also uses a variety of 3D objects and photos and videos, not viewing infos by book. They teach people and present infos  in virtual environment. This is a great improvement as everything is on online. As it gets more technical in futrue, we are more involved in virtual environment. The example tells about the experience of having a class in virtual world and share the experiences.

This whole experience of immersive education or virtual learning is such a great experience in present. LIB.TWG's effort in maintaining and establishing better technologies in libraries and museum made life of students easier.

Here is a link to the journal.

Exploring second life.

I downloaded exploring second life, made an account. 
I could select my avatar and go around different places

I went to the different places. 

I was flying over the ocean. 

I was running around the cities. 

I was strolling around the forest. 

I was sitting down in the fall. 

I was flying over a sea.

I was strolling down the beach.